Our Fundraisers Include
MSP Spirit Wear Sales
Annual Christmas Raffle
Parent’s Night Out (PNO)
Community Partner Rewards
Spring Fundraiser
Why donate?
Tuition payments are our largest source of income, but they don’t cover all of our operating costs. Some of these costs include teacher salaries and benefits, rent, basic classroom supplies, janitorial services, playground maintenance, professional growth, and scholarships. In order to keep our tuition prices low, we hold a number of fundraising events.
How to donate
Participate in our fundraisers! We offer a variety of fundraisers throughout the year. Participation is appreciated, but not required. Some require no additional spending, such as the Fred Meyer Rewards Program.
Make a tax-deductable donation. Mustard Seed Preschool is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations to MSP are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law. Our tax ID number is 87-1215369.
Matching gifts. Check with your employer to see if they match your gift to MSP before donating.
Partner Rewards
Fred Meyer Rewards
Did you know you can link your Fred Meyer card to our school and help us earn money without any change to your personal rewards? Click this link and use non-profit code XM111 to get your card connected. Then, you shop like normal (even click list!) and it helps to support our program. A real win - win!
Employer Gift Matching
Volunteer Hours
Intel employees can earn money for our school when they volunteer! Follow the steps below and Intel will provide a donation to the school for your hours worked.
In your web browser go to intel.benevity.org and click on "Volunteer" and then "Track Volunteer Time"
On the form, pick "A specific cause" and in the search box type "Mustard Seed Preschool" and click Search and then "+ Add" next to Mustard Seed Preschool
Fill out the rest of the form (hours, date, etc.) and submit
Donation Matching
Intel will match donations made to approved causes. Follow the steps below to nominate our cause and then make sure to submit your receipt with all of the necessary information, which is also outlined below.
Instructions for Intel employees wanting to submit a matching request:
Go to https://intel.benevity.org/request-a-match from Intel network and click "LOG IN USING SINGLE SIGN ON"
Add Mustard Seed Preschool for the cause
Fill out the other fields
*Please note: Intel donations will not be matched without submission of a receipt that is turned in within 30 days the donation. Also the receipt MUST have the following information on it or it will be rejected:
INTEL donation receipts must be from the receiving org or school and include:
A statement that no goods or services were provided in return for the donation, or the Fair Market Value (FMV) of any benefits received and the tax deductible amount of the donation. Only the tax deductible amount of the donation is eligible for the match.
Donor first and last name. If the receipt is in your spouse's name, please indicate the person is your spouse in "Comments to Administrator."
Receiving organization (501c3 and/or School) name
Donation amount (in USD)
Date of donation
Copies of check and PayPal receipts are not eligible receipts. Combined receipts must be for a single cause and be within a single calendar year. When nominating a cause (charity or school) a match request cannot be submitted until the nomination is approved.
Volunteer Hours
Nike employees can earn money for our school when they volunteer! Just record your volunteer hours within 90 days of the event and Nike will provide a donation to the school for your hours worked. You can record your hours by clicking here.
Amazon Smile
Who isn't guilty of spending half of their paycheck on Amazon these days? Well now, we have an excuse! By signing up with our Amazon Smile account a portion of all purchases will help support our school! Follow this link to connect your account to ours. Amazon Smile is now also available to use on their regular app - hooray!
Give Lively
We have an amazing community, and want to reach out to families not to donate (unless you want to!), but to help spread the word. The MSP board has created this beautiful Give Lively profile for our school, and we would like to ask everyone in our community to help share it around social media, via emails with family and friends, or through any other means you may have.
The decision to crowd source funding was not taken lightly, but we run such a unique, wonderful program here, and want to continue to offer high quality early childhood education at a rate that families can afford, as well as FREE early intervention for families that need it, but we can't do that and have a viable building without asking for some help. Thank you so much for everything, the staff and myself are amazed at how our passion for this unique niche of education continues to grow as we meet so many wonderful, loving families on this journey!
Mabel’s Labels
Labeling your child's belongings can be a pain, and we all know that sharpie rubs off too quickly. Mabels Labels is here to help ease stress for parents and teachers! All you need to do is go to campaigns.mabelslabels.com and search for Mustard Seed Preschool. When you place their order, we will receive 20%! The orders will ship directly to your home so that you can start labeling everything. This is an ongoing fundraiser, so the account will always be active and you are welcome to order as often as needed, or even share with friends not at MSP!